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Everybody learns differently. With self-pacing, each individual can make the best use of his or her time, in order to meet his or her learning objectives. Individuals who learn at a fast pace have the opportunity to gain competency quickly. Individuals who learn at a slower pace have the opportunity to absorb information without being pushed ahead too quickly.


Self-pacing can improve memory performance, particularly when the learner allocates more time to the more difficult material.
Students choose what to study, how to study, when to study, and how long to study; these self-regulated aspects of learning have important implications for the effectiveness of their learning efforts and achievement in education


With self-paced training, you can work it into your schedule wherever it works best. This matters both for personal and professional reasons. Are you a morning person? Study in the morning. Do you have unpredictable job responsibilities? Weave in the training around your other priorities.

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