AWS Cloud for Network Engineers

  • Lectures: 16
  • Students: 17

Course Overview

In this course, you will learn

  • how to deploy a cloud network topology using AWS Cloud step-by-step
  • how to design and implement AWS and hybrid IT network architectures at scale
  • how to build a cloud computing solution that has a Palo alto firewall from market place on the front end with an internal server farm behind the firewall. Where all firewall policies, NAT rules etc. all managed on the Palo alto NGFW itself

Who should take this

This course is aimed for IT professionals, Network Engineers, Security Engineers and Consultants


Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing

  • What is Cloud Computing
  • Types of cloud computing
  • Who is using Cloud Computing
  • Deployment Models
  • Horizontal Vs Vertical scaling

Module 2: Cloud Computing with AWS and Free Tier Account

  • Cloud Computing with AWS
  • Global Networks of AWS Regions
  • AWS Products
  • Shared Responsibility Model
  • AWS Free Tier Account

Module3: AWS Free Tier Account & Management Console

  • Creating AWS Free Tier Account
  • Introduction of AWS Management Console

 Module4: Elastic Compute Cloud – EC2

  • What is Amazon EC2?
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Purchasing options for Instances
  • Steps to Launch an Instance
  • EC2 Key Pairs

Module 5: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Subnets

  • What is Amazon VPC
  • Default and Custom VPC
  • Subnet Types
  • Internet Gateway
  • Route tables

Module6:  NAT Gateway

  • NAT Gateway
  • Connectivity Types
  • NAT Gateways characteristics and rules

Module7: Security Groups and NACLs

  • What is Security Groups
  • Access Control Lists
  • Security Groups Vs ACLs

Module8: VPC Peering Connection

  • VPC Peering
  • Routing between VPCs
  • VPC Peering Limitations

Module9: AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)

  • What is Transit Gateway
  • Configuration steps
  • Route Propagation
  • VPC Peering Vs Transit Gateway

Module10: AWS Site to Site IPsec VPN (Static Routing)

  • Understanding IPsec VPN
  • Customer and AWS Managed VPN Gateway
  • Configuration of IPsec Site to site VPN

Module 11: AWS Site to Site VPN (Dynamic Routing – BGP)

  • Creating IPSec VPN Between AWS VPN and Palo Alto
  • Configuring BGP
  • Advertising Network Prefixes by BGP

Module 12: Migrating VPN Gateway to Transit Gateway

  • Migrating AWS VPN Gateway to Transit Gateway

Module 13: Deploying Palo alto Firewall in AWS Cloud

  • Preparing cloud infrastructure
  • Launching Palo Alto firewall from market place
  • Configuring Routing

Module 14: Routing Traffic of All VPCs through Palo alto firewall

  • Transit Gateway Routing configuration
  • Palo alto firewall Routing

Module15: AWS Direct Connect

  • What is AWS Direct Connect
  • Direct connect Virtual Interfaces
  • Benefits of Direct Connect
  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing 0/1

  • Module 2: Cloud Computing with AWS and Free Tier Account 0/1

  • Module 3: AWS Free Tier Account & Management Console 0/1

  • Module 4: Elastic Compute Cloud – EC2 0/1

  • Module 5: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Subnets 0/1

  • Module 6: NAT Gateway 0/1

  • Module 7: Security Groups and NACLs 0/1

  • Module 8: VPC Peering Connection 0/1

  • Module 9: AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) 0/1

  • Module 10: AWS Site to Site IPsec VPN 0/2

  • Module 11: AWS Site to Site VPN (Dynamic Routing – BGP) 0/1

  • Module 12: Migrating VPN Gateway to Transit Gateway 0/1

  • Module 13: Deploying Palo alto Firewall in AWS Cloud 0/1

  • Module 14: Routing Traffic of All VPCs through Palo alto firewall 0/1

  • Module15: AWS Direct Connect 0/1

Admin bar avatar
Manoj Verma - CCIE # 43923 is a highly experienced senior technical instructor and Network/ security consultant. He has been in the networking industry for more than 19 years, with a focus on networking and security for the past 15 years. He has assisted thousands of engineers in obtaining their various certifications starting from CCNA to CCIE, CCSA, CCSE, PCNSE, F5, etc. and learning the latest and cutting-edge technologies.  He started his career as a system administrator and then switched to the networking and security domain. During the job, he realized that he is gifted with a passion for teaching and sharing his knowledge, as he used to teach his colleagues and friends. In his classroom training, he always starts with explaining the theory on a certain topic and then gives away a short note of key points and finally end with lab implementation. Now a day, driving down to the training institute to attend classroom training sessions is not feasible for everyone owing to the workflow, odd working hours and rotational shifts, especially for working professionals and those who are living in different cities and countries. He started getting multiple requests from lots of students to launch an online training module in the same way as he teaches in his classrooms. Keeping all this in mind, he designed this self-paced training module which replicates classroom training. He has brought his years of classroom teaching experience, and years of real-world enterprise and service provider experience in designing training modules. For a better understanding of technologies and in-depth knowledge, reading books or short notes is necessary and to witness the theoretical information in live, practical knowledge is required so he has included both which is very unique in the IT training sector.

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