AWS Cloud for Network Engineers
Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
Module 2: Cloud Computing with AWS and Free Tier Account
Lecture 2.1Cloud Computing with AWS and Free Tier Account38m
Module 3: AWS Free Tier Account & Management Console
Lecture 3.1AWS Free Tier Account & Management Console20m
Module 4: Elastic Compute Cloud – EC2
Lecture 4.1Elastic Compute Cloud – EC21h17m
Module 5: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Subnets
Lecture 5.1Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Subnets1h35m
Module 6: NAT Gateway
Lecture 6.1NAT Gateway23m
Module 7: Security Groups and NACLs
Lecture 7.1Security Groups and NACLs1h3m
Module 8: VPC Peering Connection
Lecture 8.1VPC Peering Connection1h22m
Module 9: AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)
Lecture 9.1AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)1h37m
Module 10: AWS Site to Site IPsec VPN
Lecture 10.1AWS Site to Site IPsec VPN (PART 1)29m
Lecture 10.2AWS Site to Site IPsec VPN (PART 2)41m
Module 11: AWS Site to Site VPN (Dynamic Routing – BGP)
Lecture 11.1AWS Site to Site VPN (Dynamic Routing – BGP)1h5m
Module 12: Migrating VPN Gateway to Transit Gateway
Lecture 12.1Migrating VPN Gateway to Transit Gateway35m
Module 13: Deploying Palo alto Firewall in AWS Cloud
Lecture 13.1Deploying Palo alto Firewall in AWS Cloud55m
Module 14: Routing Traffic of All VPCs through Palo alto firewall
Lecture 14.1Routing Traffic of All VPCs through Palo alto firewall1h8m
Module15: AWS Direct Connect
Lecture 15.1AWS Direct Connect31m