Microsoft Azure Security – AZ500
Section1: Azure Fundamentals
Lecture 1.1Introduction to Cloud Computing57m
Lecture 1.2Cloud Computing with Azure and Azure Services33m
Lecture 1.3Get started with Azure accounts25m
Lecture 1.4Start Your First Azure Virtual Machine52m
Lecture 1.5Troubleshooting RDP Connections to VM.41m
Section2: Manage identity and access
Lecture 2.1Azure Active Directory (PART1)34m
Lecture 2.2Azure Active Directory (PART2)24m
Lecture 2.3Manage Azure Active Directory Identities (PART 1)30m
Lecture 2.4Manage Azure Active Directory Identities (PART 2)39m
Lecture 2.5Manage secure access by using Azure AD42m
Lecture 2.6Manage Role Based Access Control – RBAC25m
Section3: Implement Platform Protection
Lecture 3.1Implement and manage virtual networking (Part 1)1h36m
Lecture 3.2Implement and manage virtual networking (Part 2)29m
Lecture 3.3Network Security Group (NSG)30m
Lecture 3.4Azure Firewall (Part 1)1h21m
Lecture 3.5Azure Firewall (Part 2)33m
Lecture 3.6Application Gateway (Part 1)53m
Lecture 3.7Application Gateway (Part 2)28m
Lecture 3.8Azure Traffic Manager45m
Lecture 3.9Azure Front door45m
Lecture 3.10Web Application Firewall (Part 1)19m
Lecture 3.11Web Application Firewall (Part 2)38m
Lecture 3.12Azure Bastion20m
Lecture 3.13just-in-time access (JIT)19m
Lecture 3.14Microsoft Antimalware9m
Lecture 3.15Service and Private end Point37m
Lecture 3.16Azure DDoS Protection29m
Section4: Manage Security operations
Lecture 4.1Microsoft Sentinel (Part 1)32m
Lecture 4.2Microsoft Sentinel (Part 2)38m
Lecture 4.3Configure and manage threat protection10m
Lecture 4.4Azure Management Group and Policy15m
Lecture 4.5Azure Monitor16m
Section5: Secure Data and Applications
Lecture 5.1Manage Storage31m
Lecture 5.2Secure Storage29m